Midem 2015

After applying to be part of the hacking team a few weeks ago I heard that my application had been successful and along with 25 other hackers I made my way to Cannes for the 2015 Midem hack-day held in the Palais on the front. When we arrived, our view was pretty rad!

After the intro session in the Innovation Factory we all headed upstairs to get hacking although due to my flight being at 6am, meaning I had to check in at 4am, meaning I had to get the train by 3:30am, meaning I had to leave the house by 2:20am, meaning I had to get up around 1:30am, meaning I had about 40 minutes sleep... The first day was a haze of Mars bars, heat, coffee and hacking. It was great! :)

The next day, after a good amount of sleep, we all headed back to the hack-space for our proper full day of hacking. 

We had a great space with a view over the Croisette, which looked stunning at night!

Breaking for dinner (and some went to tech-drinks) we had a couple of hours off to grab some food and drinks before heading back to the hackspace for a late-evening session. It was about 2am by the time I left to head back to the hotel; we had to be back there to finish off and present the sessions in the morning, which are all in this Midem Hack Day 2015 - All the Hacks Unveiled film!

After the presentation we all headed for the VIP lounge for a drink to take the edge off a headache from the amount of coding over the last 48 hours, and to vote for our favourite hack which was Becky's Festival Bag! :)

That evening we all headed out to party and got to dance all evening to Juan Atkins (the father of techno) playing in Les Marches club which was incredible! It was great to cut loose and have a good dance after all the hard work!

It was a really great hack-day and although it was (as they all are) really hard work, we were all so well looked after and all loved being part of Midem!

Au revoir, Midem! Je vous remercie d'avoir organisé! À 2016! :)

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